note # 11: love is the only thing i know or love is the only thing i want to say i know

in times of sudden life changing events, time stops, everything you planned for seems so small and unnecessary, and to survive our heads and hearts shift.

our previous worries about the expected changes have arrived, we thought we knew, that when this will happen i will do this, and when this happens i will do that and when this will happen i will probably feel that

we read and read and read and think we know

its all bullshit and i will no longer say i know

i do not know

i don’t know

i don’t know

with one exception

love is the only thing i know or love is the only thing i want to say i know

ok, so i am angry at myself, and it’s not cool

i am angry at my arrogance, thinking that i knew

i am angry at my confidence, thinking that i knew

i will carry this with me until i am back and on the road again, with one big difference knowing that i do not know and that love is the only thing i know

# notes about the dealings with life changing events during the road trip – Amman/ Jordan\
