letter #2: kufta and batata

Dear Chao,

I am still not in a state to write full sentences, but i am here in Amman, very present. It turned out to be true: if you are present, you are not anxious. This change is big, me here and you there, yet it feels good to be in distance, it extends my life beyond my-self, beyond our closeness. You are by the sea, and that is what matters. Chao, for the love of lists, here is one for you, a glimpse of some details of my daily doings:

Catheter monitoring and a checklist of pees per day

Work permits and laws for Egyptians nationals in Jordan


Nurses day and night shifts

Kufta and batata or cheese and bread

Friends from Ramallah

Starting a writing retreat at the farm

No signal on satellite

Moving to a new studio (air conditioned), Hassan Khan’s work was just there. (Thank you MMAG for giving me a studio. The “old” studio a temporary whole house, beautiful and old. Coming from a place where there is a war and blood over space.)

Sessions with artists, i love all of them. they teach me everyday.


Doubt versus certainty

The Body is not an Apology

Farewell to a friend, my youngest friend, who recently introduced me to FOMO: fear of missing out.

New pms patterns i.e. 3/4 of a pack of digestive-thins disappear in one go.

Stoic philosophy. Interested in the ultimate negative: death.

Your kindle book loan for The Complete Book of Five Rings has ended

Tuesday support meeting on dementia/Alzheimer’s, notes from last meeting: how to extend our experience beyond ourselves.

Introduction to Jerusalem’s laws of land ownership

End of month accounting, all in order for now

Daily conversations with Baba on leaving home and finding home, he’s taking me to a whole new dimension as to what home means.

Thursdays are for Mama, we continuously plan to go for walks but we don’t. I trust we will.

The heat on my body feels very good. Experiencing -22℃ in East Coast North America, changed what my body would sacrifice.

هذه المدوّنة هي جزء من المراسلات بين علا وديالا توثّق مغامرات أولى إي تشاو
This blog post is part of the correspondence between Ola and Diala documenting The Adventure of Ola y Chau
